Curriculum Vitae (EN)


1980 in Cologne

2002 – 2005

Technical drawer in Bonn


2005 – 2012

State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart
Tutors: Cordula Güdemann and Rolf Bier

2007 – 2013

Studies of German literature and linguistics, University of Stuttgart

2010 -2011

Exchange semester at Winchester School of Art/ University of Southhampton (GB)

Gallery representation

burgyderuijtergallery, Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße

Awards/ Scholarships


Artprize of the region Günzburg (1st prize)


Audience award for figurative painting of the Lake Constance area, Meersburg
ERASMUS Scholarship for Winchester School of Art (UK)

Art collections and publications

  • Item collection, Ulm
  • Regional council Stuttgart
  • District office of Lake Constance area, Meersburg
  • Bürgy-de Ruijter Art Collection
  • „Kunst im Landratsamt“ – Impressions from Art Collection Lake Constance area (Catalogue)
  • RHEIN! art publication no. 9, 2015

Solo shows


kleine galerie Bad Waldsee


„reactions“, Galerie im Alten Rathaus (Off-space „historical City Council“), Musberg (Leinfelden-Echterdingen)


„seen through“, off space „Hausgeburt“, Stuttgart


“analogized”, off-space Hi-Art, Metzingen- Neuhausen

Group shows (Selection)


20th PopUp-Gallery Stuttgart curated by Strzelski Gallery

25th anniversary of buergyderuijtergallery, Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße

14. ARTIK Günzburg

„Bewegt“, Awarded exhibition of the nationwide artprize of KunsTHaus Erkrath


„Movement“, Awarded exibition for the „Günzburg town art prize“

Group Show with Ute Bartel, „Die Brücke“ Kleinmachnow Kunstverein e.V.“Cannstatt Kulturmenu“, participation with Atelierhaus Brückenstraße


18th Pop Up Gallery Stuttgart by Strzelski Gallery Stuttgart
Open Doors! Atelierhaus Brückenstraße, Bad Cannstatt


Awarded exhibition for „Artprize 2021“ of Böblingen Landratsamt and Böblingen Kunstverein
„Cannstatter Kulturmenü“ with Atelierhaus Brückenstraße
2nd south western art prize of Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nürtingen
„Momentaner Standpunkt“, buergyderuijtergallery, Neustadt/Weinstraße


„Just Paint It!“, Kunstverein Neuhausen/Fildern
EINSICHTEN – INSIGHTS 2020, Kultur Am Kelterberg e.V., Stuttgart


„aufgeSCHLOSSen 2019“, KISS Schloss Untergröningen
Group show with Barbara Groß, Gallery „Alter Bau“, Geislingen a. d. Steige
Long night of museums Stuttgart, studio places at Rilling Sekt company Stuttgart


14 th Pop up gallery Stuttgart curated by Strzelski Gallery Stuttgart
„20 years UPART“, UPART Contemporary, Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße
„figures/ color explosion“, Kunstverein Duisburg
„Körpersprachen – body languages“, UPART Contemporary, Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße
XVIII. German International Triennial of Graphic Art Frechen
„Kleines FormARt – small sizes“, Off-space INTERART, Stuttgart


Ganzfrei 6 – Showtime – best of members – annual group show of the members of Kunstverein Duisburg
Solo booth within the annual exhibition of the members of Kunstverein Eislingen
Art & Antik Allstars at Kunstbezirk Stuttgart
Awarded exhibition for Hauseisen-Art prize 2017, Germersheim
„Dionysos“, Art space „Rotes Haus – Red House“ Meersburg + City Gallery Częstochowa (PL)
„Border security“, police headquarters, Böblingen
„The opposite is in the middle“, Kunstverein Duisburg
23rd Artists Fair, Karlsruhe

Awarded exhibition for Otto-Scharr-Art prize 2016, Stuttgart


GanzFrei 5, annual show of the members of Kunstverein Duisburg
2×2/ Transit, BBK Kunstforum Düsseldorf – chosen members of Kunstverein Duisburg exhibit at BBK Düsseldorf
Awarded exhibition for item-artprize , Ulm
Long Night of museums Stuttgart, studio places at Rilling Sekt company Stuttgart
Trudering Art Days, München


KUBOSHOW Art fair 2015, Herne
Art fair B.AGL artaFAIRs, Berlin
Long Night of museums Stuttgart, studio places at Rilling Sekt company Stuttgart
Annual group show of he members of Kunstverein Eislingen


KUBOSHOW Art fair 2014, Herne
HEISE-Artprize „Selbst.Ich (Me, myself)“ 2014, Dessau-Roßlau
KULT exhibition 2014, Krumbach (SCHWAB)
Relevation, Casa del dragòn, Castellon (ES)


„release – the annual gifts 2013“, EnBW Stuttgart
KUBOSHOW artfair 2013, Herne
Ereignis Druckgraphik (Printmaking) 5, Gallery VORORTOST, Leipzig
„Art in the baracks“, Kulturnacht (Artnight) Radolfzell 2013, Radolfzell


Annual exhibition 2012, Kunstverein Ludwigsburg
Group show at Albert-Schäffle-college  Nürtingen
5th sculpture art market, Münster (NRW)
State exam 2012, State Acadedemy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart


WIN WIN “Art in the basin”, the students of Prof. Güdemann und Prof. Bunk at Horvath & Partners, Stuttgart
“Show Me Yours – I Show You Mine”, Exhibition of the students of State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart
Dillmann artmarket, Stuttgart
“Rundgang”, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart
„Distortion“, WSA, Winchester (GB)


„Young + figurative. (IN-) COMPREHENSIBLE!“, Gallery of Lake Constanze Area, Meersburg
“Kenneth Dibben Project“, WSA, Winchester (GB)
Dillmann artmarket, Stuttgart


„Im Märzen der Maler“, the students of Prof. Güdemann at Karlskasernen Ludwigsburg
WIN-WIN „Indipainting“, the students of Prof. Güdemann at „Horvath & Partners“ , Stuttgart
Awarded exhibition for GVS-Prize for young artists, Stuttgart


„frischekunstmarkt (art market for newcomer)“, Stuttgart
Awarded exhibition for GVS-Prize for young artists, Stuttgart

2006 – 2009

Participation at the annual „Rundgänge“ of State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart